What's behind the recent uptick in Russian military activity in Libya?

In this latest analysis piece, we delve deeper into recent Russian military activities in Libya, examining the context behind these developments. We will shed light on key events from the past few weeks and explore their potential impact on the ongoing Libyan power struggle.

Recent reports of Russian arms deliveries to Libya via Tobruk's port have sparked a flurry of speculation and raised serious concerns about Russia's growing involvement in the Libyan conflict. In this analysis piece, we delve deeper into recent Russian military activities in Libya, examining the context behind these developments. We will shed light on key events from the past few weeks and explore their potential impact on the ongoing Libyan power struggle.

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This article was originally featured in our flagship Political Risk report, a weekly publication that is delivered to clients ahead of time. For exclusive insights and a head start on the biggest stories in Libya each week, email us at editor@libyadesk.com.

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